Friday, December 23, 2011


Being a girl that grew up in an Italian family most people don't believe that I only just started eating lasagna. The first time I tried lasagna was at Olive Garden and no offense Olive Garden love your bread sticks, but your lasagna is not my fave. I hated the way it tasted; I don't know if it was the flavoring, the meat, the sauce, or what but I really really dislike it. So I would never eat it, until my husband begged me to make it for him (it's his favorite meal) and I caved and made it for him and while I was cooking it I just thought it smelled amazing so I thought hey lets give it a try, and I loved it!!!!!

Thursday, December 22, 2011

Scalloped Hasselback Potatoes and Filet Mignon

Hello I'm Lisa and I love to cook and eat, did I stress the eat? This is going to be a blog about the food I make places I eat and other food related topics.

So tonight I made Scalloped Hasselback Potatoes and Filet Mignon. I got the recipe for potatoes from A Cozy Kitchen a great website with tons of yummie recipes, I did make some tweaks to it